Monday 15 December 2008

Winter term animations

Below are the animations from the second half of the winter term. Featuring a tale of Acting legends gone bad, talking tomatoes and Lego explorers...

The Murderers:
This was created by Asia and Reuben. You either love them or hate them but you can't deny the fact that Zac Effron and Vannessa Hudgens are popular among girls. Girls only. But what happens when Christopher Walkin finds the urge, like many of us, to kill them? Find out in this brilliant film.

Tony the Tomato:
This is made by Sarah,Emily,Ben,Edward and Jasmine. Tomatoes. Amazing things. They can make ketchup, be placed on pizzas and save carrots who happens to be a princess. Yes that's right. Still scared and confused? Well no more, because this film explains well known sayings such as "Tomatoes love carrots","Never trust a plum","Like a Drag-Queen Dragon" and "As big as a fat mermaid." Never heard of them? Neither have I. Just watch the film.

Indiana Jones:
This is made by John, Rafi and Connor. What happens when a cult film character turns into a Lego man? We do not know. But this film may help us find out. Unfortunately Indiana Jones sued he said the acting was wooden but we think it was plastic!lol

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Limericks and Animations

The latest productions from Melbourne Filmmakers... The first half of this term has been about experimenting with animation. Uploaded here are some limericks written and animated by the group, and also some experiments with different styles of animation. Both have voiceovers by the filmmakers.


Experimental animations:

Friday 18 July 2008

'Mysterious Mishaps of Mr Me' and 'The Lurker'

The Yoscars entry 'The Mysterious Mishaps of Mr Me' is below (2 minute version)

And here is the full length version (40 seconds longer..)

This is the final film from the recent project - 'The Lurker'

Thursday 19 June 2008

How the project is going so far

The thing I liked most was filming in viking costumes and drawing the house and village scenery.

The thing I liked the most was spinning round when I got "Transported" to the Viking times!
Because I have all ways wanted to film but I have never found a suitable camera.

The thing i liked most seeing the film back as it was cool

Writing the script
why: I like writing

I liked doing the music - especially adding the sound effects
Because I like music and the software we used.

The thing I enjoyed most about Melbourne Film makers viking task was using the cameras
Because I have never used a proper camera before.

The thing I enjoyed most about Melbourne Film makers viking task was filing the last scene in the costumes.
Because I was filming it, it was my idea to film it, and it was a brilliant scene.

Thursday 20 March 2008

Melbourne Filmmakers: Kidzround

This is who we are:

There are ten of us on the project and we have had nine sessions, each one is an hour and a half. We have been working on interviews and editing and camera work. We all had a part to do in making the films which you can see on this Blog..

This is what we thought of the project:

The latest videos from the Melbourne Filmmakers!

Here is KidzRound

In our latest News reports:

A strange story involving a chair...

Umbrellas and such...

Here are some outtakes from the project:

And here is a short film about the project: